【Carefully selected! This military commander is the turning point ranking of history】
【Carefully selected! This military commander is the turning point ranking of history】5 竹中半兵衛
【Carefully selected! This military commander is the turning point ranking of history】5 竹中半兵衛
5th place
`` Takenaka Hanbei (Shigeharu) ''
According to “Toyokagami” written by Shigekado Takenaka
There are many verses likenかed to the genius warrior "Koumei"
A person whose real image is difficult to grasp.
He served the Mino Saito family, but later became Nobunaga Oda,
Hideyoshi's success story is to serve as the power of Hideyoshi Hashiba later
It is an important person that cannot be told in biography, military records, etc. without Hanbei.
If Hanbei lived long without suffering from an old woman (tuberculosis),
The historical “Ryohei” system may have been headed for collapse due to the change of Honnoji Temple.
He would have been wary of Kuroda's ambition.
When Hideyoshi became a genius, he was unable to place Hanbei who respected his teacher nearby.
He would have sealed off his ambition by giving intelligence to the neighboring country of the camp.
However, if this “Ryohei” teamed up and seriously aimed at the world,
I would have had to watch constantly because I wouldn't be able to touch it.
If “Ryohei” teamed up and served the Toyotomi family, it might have been possible to avoid entering Tang Dynasty.
As a result, Ieyasu Tokugawa, against the Toyotomi family who did not lose their goods and human resources,
Even if you wanted to bring it to a decisive battle like the Sekigahara battle, it must have been impossible.
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