Continued: Journey in the City

Farmers crowd the streets of Troft City, with men carrying manure bags on their backs, merchants pulling goods from carts, women strolling with their children, and many strange but humanoid-shaped creatures walking among humans. However, all this chaos is interrupted with the arrival of a golden carriage, a soldier on top of a tower announces in the magic sound amplifier:

-Order! Your majesty will pass.

Everyone stops the turmoil and the conversation, and kneels, leaving an open path for the carriage to pass freely. Suddenly she stops in front of a small tavern, and three people descend from her: a girl who appears to be seventeen, skin snow-white, and visibly classed as a Lancer. A broad-shouldered man, about six foot four , with a beard that looks to be about twenty-six, was noticeably of the Tank class . And a young man of fifteen, short with golden hair and blue eyes, who had a golden crown on his head , was the Prince.

The prince gestures to the tavern and tells Tank something that cannot be understood at a distance from the people, and which immediately the tall man responds by going into the establishment. When he enters the tavern he comes across a huge line and tells the receptionist:

"Your majesty has ordered you to give us the latest mission papers today." There will be no more missions for this week.

Everyone begins to look with astonishment and anger, and do not accept quietly. Several start complaining and cursing the Tank , which sketches indifference. However a small man in the queue is a quick motion with his ax toward the bearded man, and takes a goal p and sharp in the stomach that pushes the 5metros, breaking two tables and a chair. This blow was made with the metal shield of the tank there , where it showed no energy spent in its movement. Everyone looks scared at him, but he says in a deep, firm voice:

-We do not want to fight with you, you see, this is your majesty's will, so you can take your missions again, but until then it is better to take care of other tasks, unless you are desperate to die, because if you want me I will clean the dirt here where your majesty does not see such brutality.

Everyone was silent and static, until the flies in the environment stopped flying momentarily. He leaves taking the mission contracts with him, and sees the prince with a tedious look coming his way.

The carriage begins to move, and they leave leaving a trail of dust behind.

Quartsu was in line and quickly after the departure of the tall man with shield he tells his friend:

-What just happened GNightBaby ? Who was that guy?

With an apprehensive look his acquaintance answers:

-He is FatalLaw , the Tank that occupies the position 1 in the ranking of his class, and he makes the prince's guard. Let's put that aside, he has enough equipment to defeat our entire guild, I think I'll see my Lowland plantation, I'm still growing those medicinal plants, it's a great way to get money after all .... you intend to do the Now that?

Jukitsu briefly looks down thinking and then replies:

-I'm going to check something here in town, when someone from the guild comes in, call me in the chat for us to meet.

-Okay, I'm going ... try not to die in the meantime ... hahaha

GNightBaby walks off the road, and Jukitsu now in the body of his character Qua r tsu , turns around and heads for the city center.

A crowd of people walking everywhere was there , Jukitsu recalled the game's annual promotion periods, when many items received high price discounts ... he briefly thought it was one of those, but soon regained consciousness and saw who had many newbies in town. Apparently the game had been successful recently among the younger ones, many kids were in town, the vast majority were from the Warrior and Ninja classes, the little ones really valued the appearance of the clothes and their high status early on. Almost all that circulated there were iron level , and few bronze level, making Jukitsu make sure they were new players.

He spots a group of friends from 6 members: 2 Rogues, 2 Warriors, 1 Priest and 1 Elf. He then decides to approach.

- Hi, all right, my name is Quartsu , I would like to ask you some questions ....

One of the boys widened his eyes when he saw the glow of the number on Quartsu's hat .

-Oh my .... this guy is a top 10 wizard, are you kidding me? What are you doing here in the city ? , Should not be killing a dragon or something?

Your friend Priest corrects it quickly:

"Stop being a stupid dude, Magicians can't do much damage, because no one likes to play with them." It is a support class only.

- Uhhhh ...

His friend makes a face of amazement, and a graceful girl with blue hair of the class Ladino says:

-Des .... Sorry my friends, they do not know how to behave with someone as strong as m ...

Quartsu feels like an old man being called mr , but couldn't help noticing that he was actually older than the children.

-Don't worry about it ... I just wonder if there are any new events, or promotions to be entering so many people in the game.

The girl widens her eyes and then says:

- No ... no, that's right ... the reason is .... that ... are giving pets that accompany us now ...

"Pets?" It echoed in Jukitsu's head , so he saw the little creatures behind each child's cape. 2 dragons, 2 cats, 1 dog and 1 wolf, all puppies.

- Haa ... now I get it ... and they do what special? Can they be used in battle?

Not knowing what was going on he wanted more information pava see if that could give him an advantage in fights.

- No ... no, just tell us the rules of the game, there are too many for us to memorize, so they guide us, I thought it was great for us newbies.

Completed the girl.

Quartsu says goodbye to everyone and says:

Thanks so much for the conversation, I hope you become great players, see you later ...

Now he just wondered how getting one of these pets really was a huge advantage as he didn't have to read the update page every time before joining the game. He saw a new store in the city with a sign and a patterned wood eagle. He walked into it, and saw that it was a petshop style store.

-Finally found ...

He muttered to himself.

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