A special part VII: making the deadly weapons - part three-

" Hai, this book That I have got from my parents before many years..... it can explain everything ! " said pawru

Ater he raise the book high...

And after he wore a serious face !

" T-This astronomy book? how that? "

Pawru answred his commander with a calm tone ... so he started explaining everything...

Trying to prove his theory...

" Hai, everything started after I read the first paragraph of Chapter XVI ... The past of the universe ! According to what my ancestors believe ... the universe is divided into three worlds ! "


Pawru opened the book on a bookmarked page....

The insider's book seemed very old...

The color of those worn-out papers was....

As if a cup coffee had been poured on them....

Well, that is the color of most old books....

And the most important thing was...

What the page contained...

It was a very strange drawing...

It was like...

A boy may not have reached the twenties...

With long fox ears....

He was making a sly smile....

But the strangest thing that the leith noticed was...

The position from which the drawing was drawn...

" Hih.... I admit that this picture is more mysterious than the Mona Lisa painting ... For example, look at the necklace worn by this boy ... It is impossible to carve it in the traditional way ... as if it was made with a sophisticated machine ... and also The position from which the drawing was taken ... isn't it the same as the selfie position, Which the teenagers of this age boast of it? "


" Exactly.... commander ! "

The leith's face turned chocked ! As if he believed what he said out of joking before a moment...

" W-Wait........ do you mean that.......!! "

" Yes, This painting ... was painted by a famous artist from the first world a million years ago, it's a redraw with no doubts... It represents the picture taken by the Third Prince after the thousand ( MIII ), of the First World Kingdom ! The world that surpasses humans in technology millions of times ... and I mean it literally ... This drawing represents how the life was in the shoona's world "

The surprise that Leith has been through for a few moments ... made him panic for a moment...

How not ... and now he sees something beyond human comprehension...

That drawing....

It must be like....

A selfie picture with no doubts !

So that means that.... the prince took the picture with something like a smart phone ! then the artist redraw it as a memorial artwork for the prince?!

A selfie before a million year? were the Shona people really so developed all that much?


Pawru turned the page again....

" The second world is ... The world of those who were full of spirituality, they called the jinn ! They are different from the first world people who cared about the technology ... They were more interested in spiritual things ... perhaps the reason for this is their physical nature, according to this book ... the jinn are differed from the other creatures in their physical nature ... for them ... the body is just like a pot of the soul ... and where memories are exist ! Their feelings and desires are all centered in the spirit of the heart ! and.... The third world, which was underdeveloped world compared to the other worlds ... was the humans world of course ! "

Then, pawru gave more informations about the first world ! Or maybe ... all he said so far was just hints....

Hints known by any ordinary Astrologer...

So he continued his words with support from the old book drawings...

" And if we talk more about the first world that distinguished from all other worlds ... there is something mysterious about it ... which is that thing that gave the full power to the first world's citizens ! it called the destiny of the strength mountain "

" The destiny of the strength mountain? what exactly is this? "

Pawru answered:

" It is a mountain that takes out a strange energy called stimulated energy ... then it sends it in the two worlds .... The world of Shoona and Jinn at the same time ! After mixing these energies with the two kinds for a long time ... Out of the desire of the spirit of the heart .... The jinn were able to liberate a wonderful power that they have not previously liberated before ... they called It..... the magical power ... And quite the opposite for the people of Shoona ... even though they were able to liberate some kind of new energy ... at the first begenning it was weaker than the force of the jinn at least fifty times ... and the reason for that is ... that their desires were not as pure as the purity jinns desire ! So ... after the people of Shoona understood it well ... after they knew the reason behind their weak power compared to their enemies the Jinn ... they improved themselves for sure...... and with time they became able to liberate a much stronger energy than the energy they had previously released .... They have unleashed a new force capable of competing with the power of the jinn ... a force that enables them to control the movement of the universe ! , and these new energies which have entered the dictionary of worlds have been named : The New Energy"

With a serious tone:

" Which means.... That the heart is the source of conversion ( the stimulated energy ) to a new energies ! "

" Exactly ! But ... that catalytic energy did not seep into the world of humans through cosmic holes ... perhaps this is due to the lack of cosmic holes between the world of humans and the other worlds ... For this reason humans in the old ages could not free that mysterious energy.... But now .... in the new era we are witnessing now ... after some strange things happened ... some humans have become unable to liberate that vapor that has earned them the power and the ability to win in the battles and wars at a very high rate ! "

After the leith got what pawru wanted to say...

He made that panic face...

Yes, he must understood what pawru wanted to say...

" D-Do you mean that.... the raym is like.... the new energy? If that's so ... and according to what your ancestors beleive ... the possibility of the emergence of raym in our world is because the cosmic holes have opened up between our world and other worlds... "


With a smile...

Pawru finally reached the part that he wanted to say...


With great confidence .... He continued his speech in the place of the leith...

" And..... The second possibility ... which is my theory ... that the mysterious land is part of The destiny of the strength mountain ... And now it is doing the same work as the mountain does in the first world..............!! "

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