part 15: The red hair girl

Sorry for late update

The members of the Corps spent the whole day in celebrating ... and the promised day that Koja was waiting for did not come yet...

It is supposed to be the day that maya will go to the high hill ... to bring the girl sophie and ask her about that mysterious necklace that maya was so sure that it belongs to her...

So if the necklace belonged to the little girl ... does that mean that the person who was spying on maya and koja is someone related to sophie? Like .... one of the criminals hunters members?

Well, in fact .... that's what made Koja accept to go to the city of criminals hunters ... If that necklace really belonged to Sophie ... that means that person is just a member of the criminal hunters ... and that Koja is not in great danger .... because he does not see the members of the criminals hunters a real danger ... in reverse if the spy is from the organization ... this inevitably means that the boss of the organization has sent one of the agents to Kogja in order to spy on him ... and if the agents took a complete report to the boss and mention the naitkore ... Inevitably, the Organization will not tolerate this...


" Oh..... I ate too much..... my stomach really hurts me "

The party ended at 22:00.

Most of the members of the corps fell fainted inside the center ... after everyone ate too much of their favorite foods...

Except koja who stayed eating the fish slowly looking at the momebers of the corps with cold looks ... until he finished the fishes...

He stood up...

Then he started walking toward the giant gate...

" Hey you..... where are you going? "

And the one who said that was the boss the of the phoenix corps ... It seemed to be the only member of the corps that stayed awake there ... or that was what it looked like...

koja answered:

" Ah ... you still awake ! It's already the night so I'll look for a place where I can stay tonight ... I used to sleep in places far from the gatherings of people ... a place like hotels .... or something like that "

" Is that so? then just follow the road to the end of this street .... you will find Mr. Nabil's hotel ... tell him that I sent you to him then you will not need to identify yourself to him "

" wakata... thank you for that "

The boss stayed staring at Koja ... until he left the center and closed the gate ... then she sighted ... and fell to the ground after she lost her balance...

" Ahh ! I really ate too much ! kuso I can't feel my brain... "

then the boss stared at the gate again with a cold looks saying with her self:

" Don't you dare to leave the city...... before we get revenge on you ... even if you look an understanding person and I believe that you are not looking for troubles here ... but you still a member of the organization ... and you killed many innocent people ... I still can not believe that I got a chance like this "

koja started walking outside ... he was thinking about the evolution of events with him from the first moment he met maya...

That made him can't understand how he must looking at that girl who saved his life...

Does he have to look at her as someone who has brought him the bad luck?

No, without Maya ... Koja would be dead now !

while koja was thinking non-stop as he always does......




" Thank you .... for saving me .... boy "

That soft voice that whispered in Koja's ear suddenly ... it turned him into a defensive position ... staring at all sides looking for the source of the voice...

so with a serious face he said with himself:

" What was that? was it just my imagination? this is weird...... I'm sure that I heard someone's voice ! "

but he didn't find anything ... he didn't even feel any weird presence there and that was so strange ... it must be just his imagentaion....

Yes, that's exactly what koja thought while he was looking behind him....

then he turned continuing walking to see.............!!



That person who was staring at him........!

That person who appeared from the nowhere....

With a red long hair...

And an angelic facial features...

She looked at the same age as koja ... maybe older than him by a year or two years...

And she was the same person who koja saved in this evening...

Or maybe she was............!


with that lovely smile that we still don't know what was hiding behind it...

The girl said:

" Thank you for saving me from the traders gang ! young man "

Koja made a cold looks ... after he felt some suspicion...

Suddenly ... the girl bowed, introducing herself ... she looked like a high-class girl from an aristocracy family ... so left a tactful impression...

" My name is lizabath grimogruvia "

* Heart beats ... Heart beats *

After the girl said her name...

koja's eyes widened to the max...

It is not as if the name of the girl has been remind him of who this girl is...

It's just because the name of the girl.....

Made him sure that he knew her from some time...

Made him feel that darkness inside of him ... that darkness that came out of his depths ... and made him see everything dark around him for a few moments..

The meaning of that .... just what is the meaning of what was happening to koja?


Even though koja could not remember who's that girl and where he saw her before ... no, even though he never heard of that name before...

that was totally strange....

koja said with himself:

" lizabath......... grimogruvia? I have not heard of this name before ... No, this face ... I'm sure that I never saw it before ! but........ this feeling ... this feeling inside me ! why I feel that I know this girl very well? "

" S-Sorry ... I didn't mean to...... "

before the girl finished her words ... after koja made that nervous face...

koja interupted her words saying with a strict accent:

" You..... do I know you? "

After a silence....

That expressionless face the girl made...

As if....

She didn't expect to hear that from koja...


she for a reason , she shed a few tears.........

But she hid what she felt deep inside so hard...

Yes, she hid it with a sweet smile on her face

then she said:

" N-No ... I don't think so ... I'm sure that the first time we met it was this evening "

( No ... this must not be the right answer ! after this long time ... do I have the right to lie to him? ..... all what I wanted is..... seeing his face just one more time.................!! )

" D-Dayjobu? did I say something.......... "

interupted his words:

" No no ... I'm okey ... anyways ... I-It's late ... I must back to my house ... so where are you going at a late time like this? "

After Koja studied the girl's reactions...

And after he studied how her face features were changing while she was talking...

He almost believed that the girl did not hide anything suspecious , if she did not suddenly shed those tears all of a sudden...

Yes, Koja still doubts this girl..

" Ah ... I'm going to that hotel at the end of this street ... I'll spend this night there ! "

the way koja said that ... as if he was ... As if he was trying to lure that girl...

I have to tell her about where I will stay...

Then let's see what she will try to do...

Yes, this must be what koja was thinking about.


suddenly the girl.... started laughing?

" Hotel? do you mean the hotel of Mr. Nabil? the hotel has been closed for a long time ... and the owner turned it into a big cafe ... who is the baka who sent you there? "

With anger:

" N-Naniiii !!! did you say......... a cafe?! so that idiot boss .... She was not conscious after all ! I don't believe it "

with a laugh:

" You look in trouble ... I'm bored because there's no place for you to get there ... And since the way back is so long, what do you think of coming to my house? "

With a cold looks....

koja understand things around him...

Or perhaps his feeling of suspicious, make him understand things from a perspective that may be true...

And of course it may be wrong...

This girl .... is just an innocent person?

Or ... is she someone looking for troubles to koja?


What if this red hair girl ... is the same person who was talking to the boss ... about taking revenge from koja? No .... this girl ... must be her ! she must be the same red hair girl .... but the reactions she was making ... is she really a bad person that looking for troubles to koja?

No, whatever who is this girl .... koja must stay far from her, right?

Things are turning so strange here..........!

This girl ... just who's the heck is she?

If a smart person like Koja understood that this girl is very suspicious

He must understand that he has to stay away from him, isn't it?


With a smile...

With a sly facial expressions....

Koja answered:

" Okey, I will come with you "

What the heck is this koja thinking about? did he just agree to go with this mysterious girl? Is it conceivable that ... he is the one who will exploit her in order to uncover her truth?

With a smile the girl answered:

" I'm happy to hear that "

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