The Regimental Servant 2-1
A metallic noise are being occurred near my ears. It brought a grateful dedication which inform me the end of the jail "REM sleep." Hushing the annoying clock with sluggish move, I got up the single bed. The clock sound may be a interfering one for some, other may deserve it as salvation bell. Now, it's seven o'clock.
With abuse to nobody, I put my feet into room shoes. An extraordinary tiredness has overall control in myself. I cannot be accustomed this bollocks nightmare. So called, a trauma. The pajama I wear getting sticky sweat, male sour toxic gas occupy the bedroom. Since this first impression far from crisp morning,hence there is no reason that eagerness for work arise. Real humanity desires relaxed break, nowadays socialized humanity forces human beings to take and continue their work.
Hilbert Clapton, this is me. It's only an identification given fifteen years ago, and previous one was history.
I was sold as a slave. It's enough to know why I disposed of the past.Despite my cleaning up own resume, disgusting remnant still left in my deep mind. Brains of human beings are awfully full of bug. If gods who created creatures were to certainly exist, they would be definitely cruel without any expectations.
Descending to the bathroom on the ground floor from the first floor, take a shower to wash slimy sweat off this body. While towel wet tough black hair, glare at myself in the mirror on the lavatory wall. Innumerable scars lie on face, pigment was lost on there. It appears to contain both Western and Eastern European features, filled with unnecessary international diversities. With long mustache and sunburned skin, it would may be Arabic guise. Dark gray pupils make it more incoherent. But they are just slight matters in comparison. Sullen "sanpaku" eyes stare the extensive jagged scar running from right chin to neck as its own way. It lives together as long as I can remember.On there,who formed this fantastically fashionable defect for choice? Finishing trimming face with depression,I left lavatory without as much as washing remaining shaving gel away from the razor.
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