Dungeon 6: New weapons and cheat skills given to me

I’m Kazeyama Souma,

In Front of me,

Is a loli and a young man,

Clapping each other’s hands like a little kid.

“We did it!We got to said that famous line!”


I look at them,

And they turn and look at me.

“Sorry about that.”

The boy then grab the scythe,

And threw it at me,

I caught the scythe before it hit the ground.

“I’m Tomoya,this is my cute little sister,Rin.”

“Welcome to the world within the scythe.”

“And this is where we train you.”

“Can i go,i did not sign up for any training program.”

As i said,

I look around and saw nothing but darkness.

“What do i do for my training.”

“Just sit there meditating.”

“While we tell you a story for three years.”

“Wait,three years!”

“No worries,three years here,”

“Equal to three days outside.”

I started to meditate,

While Tomaya and Rin just keep telling me the same story over and over again.

The story they told me,

Is about a brother and sister,

Fighting together in the war as heros

After hearing the same story for a year(One day),

Tomoya asked me a question.

“Who do you think the two siblings are?”

If you know read enough novel,

You should know the answer as well.

“It’s the both of you.”


“Can i do a different kind of training?”

“Nope,we will be doing the same thing again for another year.”

But this time,the story they told me is different,

It’s about how the two of them live their life in the scythe,

Know as “Spectre Slicer.”

The two of them have been waiting for a long time,

But no one pick up the scythe,

They were so bored that they decided to just give up.

Until i found the scythe.

They even also told me,

that each hero weapon,

Would give different ‘Blessing’,

Making the user stronger.

“So,what’s the point of this training?”


“we just need someone to talk to.”

“Cause after this it will just be me and onii-san.”

I guess my time was wasted.

“So,what’s the last story?”

“Just seat at the side for now.”

I followed his instruction and sit at the side.

-Tomoya POV-

“I know you're there,come on out.”

“So i’ve been caught.”

A person,looking alot like Souta,

Appeared in front of me.

“You have been living inside of him all this years,am i correct?”

“Not really.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well,let’s say i am part of Souta.”

Saying that,he suddenly disappeared.

“Hey wait.”

One year(One day)Later,

-Souta POV-

“Alright,you are all ready to go.”

“We’ll miss you.”

Isn't this a bit extreme.

“Well,good luck out there.”

“Stop with the ‘goodbyes’,i’ll let you all out of the scythe sometimes,okay.”




“Then,before you go,take this.”

Rin took out a basket,

Giving it to me.

“This basket contains your blessing.”

“The blessing of the twelve animals.”


“As thanks for being with us for three years(Three days.),”

“We have unlock 5 out of the 12 blessing.”


“Blessing,despite given to the user,”

“The user himself have to unlock it.”

“So i’m a lucky one.”

“Yes you are.”

“See you guys later then.”

A bright light flashes before my eyes,

I then woke up and found myself inside my room.

I look around and saw Megumi,

Sleeping next to me.

“Looks like she have been taking care of me again.”

I could not resist

And pat her on the head.

I then quickly check my stats.

Name:Kazeyama Souta

TItle:Hero of death

Magic:Space-time magic,Spectre magic





Skill:Space-time storage(Upgrade),spectre wield,blessing of the twelve animals

Space-time storage(Upgrade):The user have two space-time circle floating around.Object can be stored by putting it inside the circle as well as taken out from it.No mana is consume.

Spectre wield:Able to wield up to two soul bond weapon without holding it.Weapon will float and move according the the user.No mana is consumed

Blessing of the twelve animals:Rat,Ox,Rabbit,Horse,Snake

Rat:Effect unknown.

Ox:Gives user +100 strength.

Rabbit:Give user +100 speed as well as the ability to jump higher.

Horse:Give user +100 mana as well as increasing the user’s stamina.

Snake:Able to detect living things from a 360 degree radius of 500m.

What the heck,

I became Op now

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