
七星剣 蓮

Guerrilla Rain

Yeah, check it out, here we go

Talking 'bout that rain, you already know

Guerilla rain, coming down like a storm

No umbrella gonna keep you dry, it'll transform

Droppin' hard, like bullets from the sky

Guerilla rain, ain't nothin' you can deny

Pouring heavy, with a rhythm so tight

Got you drenched, feeling the might

Hit you fast, catch you off guard

Guerilla rain, it hits hard

Flooding the streets, turning 'em to rivers

Better find shelter, it delivers

No escape from this wild downpour

Guerilla rain, it's what we endure

But we stay strong, we adapt and we rise

In the face of adversity, we reach for the skies

So when the guerilla rain starts to pour

Hold your ground, let it roar

Together we stand, in this tempest we thrive

Guerilla rain won't break our stride

Keep on hustlin', keep on flowin'

Guerilla rain, we keep on growin'

Through the storm, we find our way

Guerilla rain, we gonna seize the day

So embrace the chaos, let it ignite

Guerilla rain, we ain't afraid of the fight

In the rhythm of the storm, we make our mark

Guerilla rain, leave an everlasting spark

That's right, guerilla rain, we own the scene

In the midst of the downpour, we stay keen

So let the beat drop, let the rap flow

Guerilla rain, we ride the storm, yo!

I hope this rap captures the essence of guerilla rain and its impact. Remember to stay safe and find shelter during heavy rainstorms. Keep hustling and embracing the challenges that come your way.

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ゲリラ豪雨 七星剣 蓮 @dai-tremdmaster




