第10話 The time of my introvertness finally came to an end

[4th Day Before The Graduation Starts]

Soon after some hours, It's Morning again.

But even though it's morning, Sue is still sleeping while covering himself with his blanket.

He forgets to shut down the window yesternight.

The cold wind blows inside his room through the window.


Sue responds to himself while slowly opening his eyes.

"Why is it feeling so cold all of a sudden ?"

He muttered to himself in a lazy voice.

He uncovers his face and looks around.

"Ah! I forgot to lock it."

He muttered to himself while looking at the window.

Then he slowly gets up and looks at his alarm clock.

"Hum ? 6:47 AM. (sigh)... Sometimes it feels like it is useless to set the alarm if I woke up without it."

He muttered to himself with a sigh.

Then he walks towards the window.

"Man! It's really cold."

He muttered to himself in a freezing voice.

But then he stopped all of a sudden.

He widens his eyes as he sees something surprising outside of the window.

"M-Marie !?"

He muttered to himself in surprise.

He sees Marie wearing the school uniform and standing in front of the street light in front of his home while continuously looking at Sue's home's door.

"W-What is she doing there ?"

He muttered to himself in shock.

"Is she waiting for me ?"

He said to himself while widening his eyes.

Then he rushes downstairs and enters the dining room.

"Good Morning Sue."

His mother said with a smile.

"Good Morning Son."

His father said while reading the newspaper.

"Good Morning Big Bro."

His little sister Ema said with a charming smile.

"Good Morning."

Sue said in a hurry then looked at his mother and said.

"Mom. Breakfast. Only Bread and Jam today. Hurry please."


His mom responds confusingly while seeing him in a rush then gives him his breakfast.

The breakfast was already prepared, that's why she gave it to him when he asked.

"Thank You."

Sue then starts eating his breakfast at an ultra-speed.

His mother and sister look at him dumbstruck.

His father looks at him and widens his eyes in surprise and thinks.

'He's acting strange now.'

"Thanks for the food."

Sue said while joining his palms then got up and rushed back towards his room.

"Don't you think he's strange and suspicious now ?"

His father asked his mother.

"Hum... You're Right."

His mother replied while looking in Sue's direction.

Ema did nothing, just looking at Sue's direction confusingly.

Sue entered his room. Changed his clothes and wore his school uniform then combed his hair then went downstairs while running.

He wore his shoes and said,

"I'm Going Now."

He said in a rush.


His mother said in little confusement.

"Bye Bye Big Bro."

His little sister Ema said with a smile. She didn't care much except the happiness of her Big Brother.

"Bye Son."

His father said while coming out from the kitchen.

"Yeah. Bye !"

He then ran outside while holding his bag on his arm.

"I think maybe there will be so much work at school."

His father said while putting his right-hand fingers on his chin while looking at Sue.

"I think so."

His mother replied in little confusement.

Now on outside, Marie muttered to herself while looking at Sue's door.

"He's not coming yet."

Then she looked at the sky and said to herself,

"It's really cold here."

Sue came out and stopped.


Sue said with a gentle smile.

Marie looks at him and widens her eyes in surprise.

"Sue !?"

Marie responds surprisingly while looking at him.

He didn't expect him to come out this sooner.

"Um... W-Well, I'm just passing by from here. I'm not waiting for you."

Marie said while making words while her red Embarrassed face tells everything.

"Heh! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha."

Sue starts laughing after hearing that.

"W-What's so funny about this ?"

Marie asked in little anger while trying to overcome her Embarrassment.

"Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha... I'm sorry...Ha Ha Ha Ha...It can't be helped."

Sue said while removing his tears which came out because of his laugh.

"Ahem. Ahem. Well, then shall we go to school now ?"

He asked with a gentle smile.

"Hum... Yeah. Let's go."

Marie said with a charming smile.

Then she moves forward.

Sue took his step forward but stopped.

"Be Careful... That's All."

He hears a familiar voice.

The other Sue who was standing while resting his back against the street light said then smiled while lowering his head.

Sue nodded while making a serious expression then moved forward with Marie.

They both are walking together but still silently.

"What should I talk to him about? It's getting awkward like this."

Marie muttered to himself in nervousness.

While she's thinking about what to talk about, Sue thinks of a serious matter.

'Why am I constantly seeing him? Are we getting separated now ?'

Then he looks towards the clouds and thinks.

'Whether he's separated from me or not. He's me. That's what matters.'

While he was looking at the sky, air started blowing and because of that, his hair started messing up. But even so, his flowing hair looks great.

At the same time, Marie looks at Sue and widens her eyes after seeing the look of Sue while the air is blowing.


She said unconsciously.

"Huh ?"

Sue responds surprisingly.

"Ah ?"

Marie responds after realizing that she said it.

Her face turned bright red in embarrassment.

Sue smiles as he understands the situation.

He patted his head and said.

"Well, you know you're the most beautiful girl I ever see."

He smiles gently while saying.

"Huh ?"

She blushes.


She responded Embarrassedly.

"By the way."

Sue said in a serious voice.

"Y-Yeah? What is it?"

Marie responded.

"What are you doing out there in front of my home ?"

He asked with a smile.

"Huh !? Um..."

She responded surprisingly then hesitated.

"The reason I came out so quickly is just that I see you in front of my home."

Sue said while looking towards the clouds.


Marie said while trying to overcome her Embarrassment.

"Huh ?"

Sue responded.

"I Think That It's Better To Walk Together To School."

She said while overcoming her embarrassment.

But her chicks are still Red because of embarrassment.

Sue smiles and asks.

"So, that's why you're there ?"

She nodded in Embarrassment.

Sue thinks while looking at Marie.

'Even in this cold weather... She's waiting for me out there in the cold.'

Then he smiles and says while looking towards the sky.

"You don't have to wait out there..."

"Huh ?"

Marie responds surprisingly.

Then Sue looked at Marie and Completed his sentences.

"....You better come inside of my home."

"Huh !? B-But you don't want anyone to know about us. Then how ?"

Marie said, then asked confusingly.

"It's fine."

Sue said in a serious voice.

"What ?"

Marie asked confusingly.

Sue looks at her and smiles then all of a sudden, kisses her on her forehead.

She widens her eyes in surprise.

"Didn't I tell you that I love you the most? For you, I am able to do anything. That's why the things like this don't matter at all."

Sue said with a smile.

After hearing what Sue said, Marie's face turned bright red because of embarrassment and she nodded with a smile.

Sue smiles back then looks at the sky and mutters to himself in a serious voice.

"Now...The Time Of My Introvertness finally came to an End."

Then he looked behind as he observed something.

The other Sue is standing there while resting his back against the wall and standing while folding his hands as he's saying.

"We'll See."

Sue looks at him while making a cold face then looks forward and moves towards the school.

His other self is smiling at him while seeing him going away.

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Fate of an Intelligent Introvert (English version) サジャル・アリカズタ @SajalShrivastava




