
第134話 妹と妹と兄と姉①」への応援コメント

  • Yuzuki and Hinano are both texting Takayuki to get closer to him, Yuzuki is straight up asking for a meeting of the two of them doing math homework,{she said "that she was having trouble with her math questions" so Takayuki naturally asked if she want to meet up on a free day like they did before and do math homework together, he was set up,}, so they decided to meet the next time they had a free day, Hinano is more subtitle, she wanted to go see Yusaku at work with Takayuki, but she didn't read the message in time Takayuki suggested Akina, Hinano said that she had contacted her but she seemed to be busy, shortly the conversation ended as Yusaku sat down at the table where Takayuki was sitting.Thanks for updating the story, with at least two girls competing for Takayuki it's going to get lively, I don't want to wait, but I've to stay calm while waiting for the next update, thanks for an exciting story.

  • 編集済


