
第100話 雨の日③」への応援コメント

  • どぶろっくの「友達のままで」という名曲を思い浮かべてしまったorz

  • Hinata is flirting again, but suttily, talking about doing summer activities with Takayuki, he doesn't realise that making plans for going out together in the summer is similar to saying we're dating, even if they invite their friends, they still talked about it together first. 👍🏻👌🏻🤟🏻🤟🏻😁💞. Hinata is finally getting, what she believes is, a correct response from Takayuki. Takayuki is just wanting to have an enjoyable time with her, not really thinking about what he's saying and how it will sound to Hinata. Thanks for a lively update, I'm slowly waiting for the next update.

  • 何凹んでる?普段の自分を想像してみましょう!「えっ」はしょうがないのでは?www


  • おおっと、夏休み云々の前にピンチクイーン秋名を救おう!