
第62話 あなたに会いたい④」への応援コメント

  • Akina is trying to get Shima to drop the honorifics from Hinata's name as well as the others in the class, but he is not that brave, he let Kurumi call him Takayuki by accident not realizing that she did that because she would like to get closer to him, Shima has a charm that he doesn't realize, when he helps a girl, he doesn't try to take advantage of them, and most girls are not used to that kind of treatment, he treats all the girls as young ladies in a gentlemanly way, he respects them as a person, not an object to own, he doesn't have dirty eyes when he looks at them. Hinata is jealous when he talks to girls she doesn't know, she wants him to confess to her, but he's unaware of how she feels towards him, he is a loner who is unused to dealing with people let alone the female sex, Hinata hasn't realized that yet, if she wants a confession she will have to do it or wait a long time. Akina knows how Hinata feels about Shima and she is willing to help her, but her knudges are to subtle for Shima. Thanks for the work.

  • 「雨野ちゃんとかあさみんは?」



  • 確かに、言われてみれば秋名さんだけが「秋名」呼びだwww

  • 日向坂さん気づいた時が楽しみ!

  • 柚木さんに名前呼びを許したのが、日向坂さんにバレたらどうなることやらw

  • 日向坂さんたちも名前で呼ぼうずww