
第46話 聖なる日の祈り⑬」への応援コメント

  • 心が痛い。財津などというキャラはこの作品に必要だったのだろうか

  • Zaitsu still believes he's on top, he's about to be shot down. Shima just told Akina that he wished Hinata would look at him, but he also told her that he felt unworthy for Hinata to be with him, Akina tried her best as she has hint about how Hinata feels about Shima, Shima just didn't listen to her, Hinata needs to know so that she can straighten out Shima. altho Shima is starting to leave his shell a bit with his classmates. thanks, it's interesting.

  • ざまぁお願いしますwww

  • この後のザマァ展開期待してますよ笑笑

  • 前座かな?

  • やっと初めてのざまぁですね!

  • もう、今の時点でざまぁなニヤニヤが止まりませんwww

  • GO TO HELL!!!👎

  • 明日の投稿が楽しみだ…

  • いやそろそろ、ギャル子さんの功労をたたえて、ちゃんと名前を覚えようや。

  • 盛大にお願いしまーす!(ざまぁな方でw)

  • キター!!!!!

  • 自分を地獄に突き落とすなんて、楽しみすぎるww

  • 楽しみだナァー

  • 玉砕!玉砕!

  • 次回断罪タイム?