

  • 第85話 動物園へ行こう⑥への応援コメント

    It's not a harem, it's a family with a child, that's how Hinano is looking at their relationship, and with luck so will Takayuki soon, with Hinano's head on his shoulder, he was embarrassed, but only if he looked at her, he won't admit it to her but he was happy that she trusted him so far, and Nana too, he needs to meet the parents soon, "THANKS FOR AN INTERESTING STORY".

  • 第84話 動物園へ行こう⑤への応援コメント

    Hinano was surprised and upset to be swept away by the crowd, next time she will hold his hand tight, Sharing ice cream and carrying Nana-chan on his shoulders was fun, because Nana was on his shoulders she was safe unless he fell, that's unlikely unless you're pushed, when the crowd cleared Hinano was found. I'm glad I waited for "Let's go to the zoo" 6 parts to finish, the flow is just right to read at once, Thanks.

  • 第83話 動物園へ行こう④への応援コメント

    Hinano is getting bolder with the help of Nana, Takayuki admits he is sweet on Hinano and Nana, 4 year old Nana is so cute and endearing, she pulls everyone to her side, Hinano should have used her on a date earlier, Takayuki is more at ease around Hinano with Nana there, he's not over thinking about her actions like normal.

  • 第82話 動物園へ行こう③への応援コメント

    Hinano and Takayuki are trying to get used to calling each other by their first names, while Nana is enjoying the animals. When Nana was holding hands with both Hinano and Takayuki, and Hinano said what was on both of their minds,"it's like parents and child", she was looking toward her future with Takayuki, and wishing that it'll come true, that she can marry him and have a family, "THANKS" it's very interesting.

  • 高二が「ドキがムネムネする」って!!!よぅ知ってるなーwww

  • ここで財津君の心配をするのは優しいが、先日おんぶしてあげた娘の名前ぐらい探せよ!


  • 初コメ失礼します。

  • いつも楽しみに読ませていただいてます(*´-`)

  • 第85話 動物園へ行こう⑥への応援コメント


  • 第85話 動物園へ行こう⑥への応援コメント


  • 第85話 動物園へ行こう⑥への応援コメント



  • 第84話 動物園へ行こう⑤への応援コメント


  • 第84話 動物園へ行こう⑤への応援コメント


  • 第84話 動物園へ行こう⑤への応援コメント



  • 第83話 動物園へ行こう④への応援コメント


  • 第83話 動物園へ行こう④への応援コメント


  • 第83話 動物園へ行こう④への応援コメント


  • 第83話 動物園へ行こう④への応援コメント

    ( ^o^)<おっ

  • 第82話 動物園へ行こう③への応援コメント



  • 第82話 動物園へ行こう③への応援コメント



  • 第82話 動物園へ行こう③への応援コメント


  • 第81話 動物園へ行こう②への応援コメント


  • 第81話 動物園へ行こう②への応援コメント

    Hinano broke out in a big smile when she got Ryuyuki to call her by Hinano, and a cute Nana called her "ONEE-CHAN" out about the grin on her face. Hinano's plan to get Ryuyuki to shorten the distance between the two of them is working, she's getting him to act on a more intimate level with her. Thanks.

  • 第81話 動物園へ行こう②への応援コメント


  • 第81話 動物園へ行こう②への応援コメント

    わざとなら申し訳ありません_(:3 」∠)_

  • 第81話 動物園へ行こう②への応援コメント


  • 第80話 動物園へ行こう①への応援コメント


  • 第81話 動物園へ行こう②への応援コメント


  • 第81話 動物園へ行こう②への応援コメント


  • 第80話 動物園へ行こう①への応援コメント


  • 第80話 動物園へ行こう①への応援コメント


  • 第80話 動物園へ行こう①への応援コメント


  • 第80話 動物園へ行こう①への応援コメント



  • 第80話 動物園へ行こう①への応援コメント

    Nana is cute, answering to Ms Hinatazaka when Shima was trying to talk to Hinano. Will he get the hint? Thanks for the story.

  • 第79話 あいっへの応援コメント

    Nana was talking about a picture book of animals, so Hinano talked about going to the zoo with her mom. Hinano decided to ask Shima about going to the zoo with her and Nana. Hinano is looking to make a stronger move on Shima. Hinano's mom was smiling behind her back when Hinano asked Nana if she wanted to see "ONII-CHAN"! It's about time, good luck, Shima is going to be difficult to catch as a boyfriend, he is gun shy from being tricked in middle school. Thanks for the interesting and enjoyable story.

  • 第80話 動物園へ行こう①への応援コメント


  • 第80話 動物園へ行こう①への応援コメント


  • 第80話 動物園へ行こう①への応援コメント


  • 第80話 動物園へ行こう①への応援コメント


  • 第80話 動物園へ行こう①への応援コメント


  • 第80話 動物園へ行こう①への応援コメント


  • 第79話 あいっへの応援コメント



  • 第78話 もう恋なんて②への応援コメント



  • 脱字報告。

    > せっかの食べ放題なのにそんだけでいいの? って言いたかったわけじゃない。



  • 第79話 あいっへの応援コメント


  • 第79話 あいっへの応援コメント


  • 第79話 あいっへの応援コメント


  • 第79話 あいっへの応援コメント


  • 第79話 あいっへの応援コメント


  • 第33話 二つの袋への応援コメント


  • 第78話 もう恋なんて②への応援コメント

    sad story, but it happens, it explains some of hin insensitiveness, trying to protect himself all the time and isolating, trying to figure out if what is being said to you is real or a trick, you start treating everything as a joke as not to get hurt. good story so far, thanks.

  • 第77話 もう恋なんて①への応援コメント

    Yuzuki finally asked the question that has been on the tip of her tongue since christmas, she has been aiming for Shima since he saved her, this will shock Hinata to no end, it has already shock Shima, what will his answer be. one more story and I'll be caught up, the wait for the next download. thanks.

  • Hinata had a great time on the short date with shima, it strengthened her feelings toward him even more, even though he is clueless about relationships he did ask around about what could make her happy as a gift for white day, that would show his sincerity towards her, even though he didn't realize how what he did would affect her, and even on the way back he still didn't understand the emotions that were going through her heart and mind, he was just satisfied that he succeeded in making her happy. thanks.

  • When Shima told Hinata where he was taking her, she got really excited, this is the closest that the two of them have been to a real date since they met, plus it's a place that girls get excited over, she felt like she got a good return on her chocolate, this was a good place to do a little flirting, maybe she could close the distance between them, of course she wasn't thinking this it was all feelings she was trying to keep under control. Shima had wanted to make Hinata happy and he succeeded, and that made him happy. Thanks, it's a sweet story.

  • Hinata was hoping that Shima was thinking about dating when Hiwatari mentioned that Shima wanted to talk about their future.Shima you will never have a better setup so go for it. If Hinata was to push a little harder she could get what she wants. Thanks,it's interesting,and enjoyable.

  • Shima doesn't realize that what Akina gave him were places that girls would want to go for a date, but he is insensitive, Yuzuki was very happy for the return gift. thanks for the hard work, it's interesting.

  • Sweet story. Shima didn't put enough thought into his gift, if he had used the language of flowers to express feelings of like to Hinata, she would have been speechless, a cute pencil case or a nice notebook are not bad either. thanks.

  • Hinata was finally able to give Shima his chocolate muffin, and she found out that the chocolate he got from Yuzuki was not hand made like hers was. that made her smile, she had given him the first hand made chocolate out side of his family. thanks

  • finally Hinata found Shima, no they can talk, he needs to take her to his house. looking forward to the next episode. thanks.

  • Yuzuki met Shima on the way from school, and when he told her that he hadn't receivedthe chocolate that he was expecting, she was secretly pleased,Shima noticed a strange look on her face when she heard that he didn't get the chocolate he had been expecting, he thought maybe she was worried about how he was feeling, but he kept quiet, he got a call from his sister about picking up some groceries on the way home, than his phone went dead, the battery was out of charge, so he decided to go shopping. Hinata didn't find Shima at the bike rack , so she tried to call him on the phone, but all she got was a message saying the number she was calling was either turned off or out of range. because of her disappointment, she ended up uncharastically raising her voice.Could she still meet him near the grocery store? thanks.

  • Shima misunderstood and left the classroom while Hinata was distracted, when Akina pointed that out to Hinata, she was in a hurry to catch up with him. Hinata was upset that Yuzuki had beat her in giving Shima chocolate, that she didn't give him, her chocolate first thing in the morning like she had planed, or at lunch time, she thought hard and decided that the best time would be after school on the way home, but Shima didn't wait for her, he was so insensitive, what could she do with him. Thanks.

  • Shima doesn't realize how disappointed Hinata was that he accepted chocolate from another girl before her. Hinata knows that Kurumi has set her eyes on Shima and that her chocolate isn't the so called obligation chocolate that Shima thinks it is. Hinata knows she has to speed up her assault for Shima's heart, she doesn't know that Shima does care for her, he's hiding his feelings because he believes that Hinata is being kind to him as repayment for helping her lost sister, he's so dense and insensitive that mistakes others actions toward him, especially from the girls. thanks, it's enjoyable.

  • 第78話 もう恋なんて②への応援コメント



  • 第78話 もう恋なんて②への応援コメント



  • Yuzuki wanted to get ahead of Hinata, she wanted to give chocolate to Ryuyuki first, he doesn't understand what she is trying to do because he is so dense, he's enjoying talking to her after being a loner for so long.thanks.-

  • Shima's life has changed since before christmas, he's to dense to realize he has a girlfriend if only he would ask her, she is waiting, he also has acquired other friends at school, Kurumi wants to go to school with him. Thanks.

  • 編集済

    第78話 もう恋なんて②への応援コメント




  • 第77話 もう恋なんて①への応援コメント

    これはそういう展開? 柚木さんすごい早い

  • うん、やっぱ淡々とした幻想的な表現だな。アニメだと光が印象的な画なんだろうなぁと想像できる

  • 描き方がちょっと幻想的でポワポワしてよいなぁ

  • 第77話 もう恋なんて①への応援コメント


  • 第77話 もう恋なんて①への応援コメント


  • 編集済


  • 第64話 ライバル?への応援コメント

    Hinata definitely needs to invite Shima to her house, with her sister there, she needs more one on one time with him, he helped her when her sister was lost, and she helped him to get along in the classroom, but he is to untrained in the ways of getting along with people to pick up cues from people's actions , he has to be told out right what is expected. Hinata and Akina were discussing Yuzuki and what she thinks about Shima, but if she said anything to Akina, it was about having someone she liked, not a boyfriend, she is definitely a rival for Hinata, but Shima is so dense that if someone else confessed to him he might go out with them. Thanks, it's interesting, and enjoyable.

  • Yuzuki is moving fast, she wants to get ahead of Hinata, who she knows likes Shima too,. Shima is just happy to have more friends, he didn't realize what was going on at the coffee shop, he just thought he was the but of teasing. Hinata can only get more frustrated with Shima at this rate, maybe she needs to invite him over to play with her sister. Thanks.

  • Akina is trying to get Shima to drop the honorifics from Hinata's name as well as the others in the class, but he is not that brave, he let Kurumi call him Takayuki by accident not realizing that she did that because she would like to get closer to him, Shima has a charm that he doesn't realize, when he helps a girl, he doesn't try to take advantage of them, and most girls are not used to that kind of treatment, he treats all the girls as young ladies in a gentlemanly way, he respects them as a person, not an object to own, he doesn't have dirty eyes when he looks at them. Hinata is jealous when he talks to girls she doesn't know, she wants him to confess to her, but he's unaware of how she feels towards him, he is a loner who is unused to dealing with people let alone the female sex, Hinata hasn't realized that yet, if she wants a confession she will have to do it or wait a long time. Akina knows how Hinata feels about Shima and she is willing to help her, but her knudges are to subtle for Shima. Thanks for the work.

  • あれ?

  • いや、志摩くんがマカロンの意味なんて知ってるわけないんじゃないですか?


  • 流石の健啖家であった😅

  • やるじゃん!👍

  • 毎回楽しく読ませてもらってます。

  • マジか。コメント見て調べた。。知らんかった。無知って恐ろしいね。罪だね😵

  • 無知ほど恐ろしいものはないぞ

  • お前…マカロンって…

  • ドリアンって単語みるとどうしてもドドリアが出てきちゃうのって年なのかな…


  • ドリアン、あるかな?

  • フランス語は一つの単語に発音しない語がいくつかあるから初見は読めなくて当然 ちなみに幸福って意味らしい

  • 素晴らしいな

  • 何処ぞの自惚れ野郎とは天と地の差もあるな



  • ちゃんと内面もイケメンなやつ

  • 女子三人(名前は覚えてない)


  • ナイスアシスト!良いヤツじゃないか!👍

  • 第11話 休日の二人①への応援コメント


  • この人はちゃんと性格もイケメンだ!

  • 性格もイケメン!

  • 柚木明らかに志摩くん狙ってない?


  • Akina is a tease, especially of Hinata, who is shy and doesn't want to show that she cares for Shima till he asks her to date.

  • 編集済


  • おっ!

  • 日向坂さん冷静に考えてストーカーで草