Episode 2

It was Him. Hamish.

I looked back to ensure if it was him. Real. That made me cry more. I thought he had lied to me, but he is here. Right behind me. His face had got shade on his high nose. It looked so perfect that I could not breeze. He was still him. I relieved.

And next moment, he whispered with his low voice,

" I missed you."

It sounds like he was looked for something really important to him and finally found it. Deep pool in the night.

" I thought you are not coming, or even do not exist, idiot."

I could not be honest. He must understand the truth of me. So just leave it alone.

I was the happiest inside.

" Where were you?"

" I arrived in time in this morning, but I caught robber on the way to see you. I believe you don't trust me, but its true story. 100 percent."

Said to him. He sticked his tongue out. Adorable, Adorable, Adorable!

Actually I didn't really care about his excuse of lateness. I was just caring if he was okay.

"Blah,Blah,Blah. I trust you, Hamish. Anyway, how do you feel about this? Coming to foreign country and meeting your best lover?"

I tried to be a cheerful girlfriend. To let him be a cheerful boyfriend.

" yeah... It feels like weird. Everything here is high quality, I totally amazed. But I kinda miss my Aussie shabby house. Then, I met you. You became more beautiful than last time I saw you. Nama."

Nama. I still love his pronounciation.

" Thats good. you are true Aussie, So I knew you will miss your own house. But, now you are going to come to my house baby. You can't run out. And thank you for compliment."

My face was blushing. I could feel it. You know why, he laughed look at my face.

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Opposite side love キム・ウリム @kim_ura



