第17話 The Encounter With A Mysterious Boy

After returning from the amusement park, Sereka and Sotean stay at Sotean's home.

Sotean went downstairs to bring some snacks and Sereka is in Sotean's room sitting on the bed while looking around.

"Time runs fast, huh ?"

She muttered to herself while looking outside the window.

Sotean came back with some snacks and said.

"Here! Take some snacks."

He said with a gentle smile.

Sereka looks at Sotean's smile...she then sees his lips.

She smiles then eats some snacks with Sotean.

"It's been a while since we sit here alone...just the two of us, Right ?"

Sereka said in a joyful voice.

"Hm...I think maybe we sit like this On 10th July and today is 20th July. Not that much, I guess."

Sotean said while putting his hands on his chin.

"10 Days is still too much for me. Not for you, I think."

Sereka said in a teasing manner.

"Is that so ?"

Sotean said while narrowing his eyes.

Then he pushes Sereka downward onto the bed, she falls into the bed...Sotean also kneels on her. Their faces are so close.


Sereka responds confusingly due to his actions.

"I just wanted to tell you that even a single second without you is like millions of years...How I'm managing, only I know."

He said in a serious voice with a little grin on his face.

Then he kisses Sereka while closing his eyes.

Sereka's eyes widen in surprise.

It was the first time that Sotean kiss her forcibly.

So, it was his first time doing that... that's why Sereka didn't stop him.

As always, it was also a very long kiss.

Couple Time Travellers are something, aren't they?

Then Sotean gets up and sits on another side of the bed.

Sereka gets up also...She smiles and said.

"I never expected you to be the first to start."

"Oh... Did you not like it? I did because I also want to tease you too. You're the only one who usually teases me...so I think why don't I start this time? That's all."

He smiles gently after saying.

"I know."

Sereka said with a joyful voice.

Then she rests her head on Sotean's shoulder while closing her eyes.

She is relaxing a little.

Sotean smiles at her then he closes his eyes too.

After a while, they both fall asleep...because of tiredness, Ofcourse.

Sotean sees a glimpse in his dream.

* Glimpse *

A man rasp Sotean's head gently and said to him while Sotean was unconscious.

"My dear, Maybe from now on...on your new world. I will not be with you...So, take care of yourself on your own, Okay? I always protect you from behind the scenes. I always love you....my little Sotean."

That man smiles then walks away from Sotean.

On the other hand, Sotean is unconscious but still, he is trying to stop that man. He is struggling with his body but his body doesn't respond.

* Glimpse Ends *

He muttered in his sleep.

"Don't Go! Please !"

Then he wakes up while shouting.


Sereka wakes up panicky while hearing Sotean's scream.

"W-What's the Matter ?"

She asked Sotean worriedly.

Sotean is panting heavily.

Some tears are also seen in his eyes.

Sereka understands that he had some bad dream.


Sotean said but before he could finish his sentences, Sereka hugs him.

Sotean's eyes widen in amazement.

"Don't worry about anything. Everything is fine. Okay... Darling ?"

Sereka said to him in a teasing manner to cheer him up.

Sotean hugs her tightly.

She smiles then closes her eyes in relief.

******They both look adorable in this type of time. They both understand each other very well. May God bless our Couple Time Travellers to live a long and healthy life. Heh heh heh.


After a while, when Sotean feels some relief...he explains his all glimpses to Sereka.

Sereka while making a serious look, hear Sotean's glimpses then she became silent for some minutes while closing her eyes, she think about it.

Then after a while, she asked. Her voice is so serious.

"So, according to you that man's face is not clearly visible but his hair colors and skin color are the same as yours, right ?"


Sotean responds thoughtfully.

"Don't you think that the man in your glimpse and that strange masked man are somehow related ?"

Sereka asked him which pointing at him.

"Hm...Yeah! You're right. They both look alike !"

Sotean said a bit enthusiastically.

Sereka make an indifferent face and said.

"Well...I know you'll say something stupid like this."


Sotean responds confusingly.

Sereka sighed and said.

"Just Forget about this for now."


Sotean responds confusingly.

"Well, it's midnight. That's why...let's get some sleep."

Sereka said.

"Yea-Wait! What? I forget to ask, why are you here? I think maybe you'll go to your home ?"

Sotean asked while making a surprised expression.

Sereka pinches his cheek.

"Ow.Ow.Ow.Ow.... it hurts."

Sotean responds in pain.

"Dummy, I already described your health condition to my mom...she agreed that I can able to stay here...So, do you have any problems with that ?"

Sereka said then asked angrily.

"N-N-N-No. Not a problem. But please let go of my cheek. It hurts."

Sotean said frightenedly with a fake smile.

Sereka releases his cheek.

Sotean rasps his cheek.

"Well then...Good Night."

Sereka said then she lie down on his bed and fall asleep.

"Yeah. Good Night."

Sotean said with a little smile then he think.

"Sleeping with you is like a dream come true. Heh heh heh."

He smiles then lies down and falls asleep.

On next morning, Sotean wakes up before Sereka.

He take a yawn and said.

"Mor...Ning already ?"

Then he looks at Sereka (she is sleeping beside him.)

He smiles and then silently closer his face towards her and then silently kisses her. But...

In the middle of the kiss, Sereka wakes up and is surprised to see Sotean's actions.

She punches him in the stomach.

"Aw !!!"

Sotean falls.

"Ow... It hurts."

"What are you doing ?"

Sereka asked in her angry voice.

"Huh ?"

Sotean freezes for a moment.

He looks around and sees Sereka covered with an aura of anger.

"W-W-W-Well, I just wanted a morning kiss. That's all. Heh heh heh..."

Sotean said with a smirk because he is trying to calm her down.

"Oh...I see. But I...haven't brushed my teeth yet."

Sereka said with a bit of embarrassment.

"Okay then after you brush your tee-"

Sotean said but before he could finish his sentences, Sereka stops him by putting her hands on his face.

"Nope...You already did it. So, later then."

Sereka said while closing her eyes. Her voice is serious.

"Huh... Okay."

Sotean said in a bit of disappointment.

Sereka smiles at his reaction.

Then they went downstairs...After a while, they eat breakfast.

"So, how's today's breakfast ?"

Sereka asked with some expectations in her eyes.

After all, she made the breakfast on her own.

After eating a bit... Sotean widens his eyes in surprise and then immediately grab Sereka's legs.

"Huh? What are you doing ?"

Sereka asked surprisingly.

Sotean look at her and said enthusiastically.

"You're really a Goddess. That tasty breakfast...I love this."

"W-Well, Thank you."

Sereka said in a bit of embarrassment.

"Let's get married..."

Sotean said.

"Huh !?"

Sereka blushes.

"...So that I can able to get this delicious food forever."

Sotean completed his sentences.

By hearing that, Sereka made a dull eyes expression and then kick Sotean by saying.


Her voice is full of anger.

"Ah !!!"

Sotean falls some distance away.

"I...am...just joking."

Sotean said while lying down on the ground.


Sereka said while pouting.

Then after eating breakfast, They went their way to school.

On their way, they meet Hoshima.

"Good Morning Sereka. Good Morning Sotean."

Hoshima greets them with a smile.

"Hey! Good Morning Hoshima."

Sereka greets with a smile.

"Yo! Good Morning."

Sotean greets with a smile.

"How's your health now, Sotean ?"

Hoshima asked.

"Now... I'm totally fine."

He said while showing his hands muscles.

Hoshima laugh and Sereka sighed.

Then they start walking to school...

"So... you all are going to school, huh ?"

A voice from the front was heard.

They all look straight and see a boy standing on the front side of them...some distance away.

"Who is he ?"

Sereka asked Sotean.

"I don't know."

Sotean responds.

"What about you Hoshima ?"

Sereka asked.

"I also don't know him."

Hoshima respond.

(** That boy is wearing a black jacket with blue jeans. His red t-shirt inside the Jacket is a bit visible. His skin is fair. His hair color is black and his eye color is purple.**)

He while putting both hands in his pockets walks away from them by saying.

"Well then, maybe we meet again soon... Time Travellers."

By hearing that, They all became shocked.

"How did he..."

Sereka said shockingly.

"... know that we..."

Hoshima said shockingly.

"...are Time Travellers...?"

Sotean said shockingly.

That boy walks away from them and all of them look at him in complete shock.

****** Sotean and Author conversation ******

Sotean :- "So, when again I will be able to sleep with my beloved Sereka ?"

Sotean asked enthusiastically.

Author:- " Hum... According to script..."

Sotean is looking at him with expecting eyes.

Author:- "... Seems like after a hundred episodes later."

Sotean:- " WHAAAAAAAT !?"

He loses his color of joy in a second.

The author while making a laughing face.

Author:- "Just Kidding."

Sotean regains his colors.

***** Sotean and Author conversation ends *****

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