第11話 The New Spear Time Traveller

"W-W-W-What are you talking about ?"

Sotean said panicky.

"That's true Sotean. I love you. I'm not lying."

Hoshima said with some tears in her eyes.

(She is overly embarrassed.)

"B-But you know that I and Sereka are going out, Right ?"

Sotean asked while trying to calm himself.

"Yeah...I know. But I don't want to regret this, that even I can't able to tell you how I feel. That's why I tell you how I actually feel about you."

Hoshima said then look at Sotean with some tears in her eyes.

She is waiting for Sotean's response.

Sotean becomes silent for some minutes while thinking about the situation.

"Man, what should I do now? But I can't able to give a blind eye to her feelings. Oh, God! Help me !"

He think for some minutes then said to her.

"Um... Hoshima."

Sotean said in a bit of nervousness.


Hoshima respond.

"I understand your feelings but I love Sereka and I only think of you as a friend. So, that's why it is difficult for me to think of you like that. But we can be best friends, right? Don't you think ?"

Sotean said thoughtfully then smiles.

"Best... friends...?"

Hoshima said confusingly.

Sotean thinks.

"Maybe this will solve this problem. I think."


He said surprisingly.

He sees that tears start flowing out from Hoshima's eyes.

"Um... Hoshima?"

Sotean said surprisingly.

"Huh? W-Why I am crying ?"

Hoshima while coming back to her senses, muttered to herself confusingly.

"I just... don't know why ?"

Hoshima muttered to herself while removing her tears then she starts crying by saying.

"Why ?"

"Ho-Ho-Ho-Hoshima please don't cry. Please."

Sotean said panicky.

He was shocked to see her crying like this.

Then she ran away from the rooftop.

"Hoshima !"

Sotean calls her while she is running away.

But she doesn't look back and run away from the rooftop while crying.

"Oh, God! What should I do now ?"

Sotean said to himself irritatingly.

Sereka is standing behind the door of the rooftop.

She had already heard and watched what just happened.

She walks towards Sotean.

"S-Sereka ?"

Sotean said frightenedly.

"I just trying to tell her the truth that I love you and can't able to betray you but she starts crying because of that. I made a girl cry. What a monster I am."

Sotean said to Sereka in a bit of disappointment.

Sereka then instantly hugs Sotean.

Sotean was surprised because of that and said.

"S-Sereka ?"

"It's alright."

Sereka said in a gentle voice.

"Huh ?"

Sotean responds.

"Don't be sad because of that. I hope she will forgive you. And what you're saying is also a good way to make things easier but sometimes, things are not that easy as they look. So, don't worry. I am here for you. Let's find and comfort Hoshima. I know she will understand that. I know she will."

Sereka said with some tears in her eyes.

She is also sad to see her bestie crying like that.

Sotean closes her eyes in relief and replied.

"Hm... I'm relying on you. I know you can do it."

Sotean said then hugs her tightly because of happiness.

On the other hand, Hoshima is in the research club, She is sitting in a chair with putting her head down to the table. She is crying.

(The Research Club is created by Sotean and Sereka for researching the mysteries of the universe. Hoshima is a member of this club also.)

"I...I was rejected, didn't I ?.... As expected, I guess."

She said while crying.

"Then...Then why I'm crying ?"

She muttered to herself while crying.

Then she remembered the time when she first meet Sotean.

*Flashback *

It's the time when she was new at school.

"My name is Hoshima Tanzaki. It's a pleasure to meet you all."

Hoshima greets everyone.

Sotean is sitting in the front seat.

Hoshima looks at Sotean and Sotean shows a friendly smile to her.

Because of that gentle smile, she accidentally falls in love with him. It was love at first sight.

"Let's see...Ah! The seat beside Sotean is empty. Hoshima you can sit there."

The teacher said gently.

"Um... yeah."

Hoshima said nervously.

She went to the seat recommended by the teacher that means seat beside Sotean.

She sat there.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Sotean."

Sotean said with a friendly voice and with a friendly smile.

"Uh...N-Nice to meet you."

She said nervously.

"Hoshima, right ?"

Sotean said.

"Huh! Y-Yeah."

Hoshima said nervously.

"I'm looking forward to being friends with you, Hoshima. Heh heh."

Sotean said with a smile.

"Me too."

Hoshima said by overcoming her nervousness with a smile.

Then she remembered the time when she join the research club.

The research club's door opens and Hoshima enters.

"Oh! Welcome."

Sereka said excitedly.

"Oh! Hoshima !"

Sereka said surprisingly with a smile.

(Hoshima and Sereka are childhood besties. So they know each other for a very long time. And Sereka knows that Sotean and Hoshima are friends. They all became friends while working together in the club. But most of the time, Sotean and Sereka discuss the mysteries in Sotean's home then after that, they re-discuss Hoshima in the clubroom.)

"I-I want to join the research club."

Hoshima said nervously.

"Yes. You're always welcome. Come in, signed there."

Sereka said while giving Hoshima the registration form with a smile.

Sotean appeared while holding some documents in his hands.

"Sereka, where I have to put these documents."

"Aum...! Here!"

Sereka said while pointing towards the desk.

"S-Sotean ?"

Hoshima said nervously.

"Oh! Hey Hoshima. Want to be a member of our club ?"

Sotean asked with a smile.

"She is now an official member of our club."

Sereka said to Sotean while showing him the registration form.

"Woah...Nice to see that. Let's do some research together. Okay ?"

Sotean said with a smile.


Hoshima said nervously then smiles.

*Flashback Ends *

"He teaches me so much about the world but why doesn't he think of me as the way I'm thinking about him."

Hoshima said while crying and while putting her head upon the table.

The club room's door opens.


Hoshima stands her head to see who's there.

Sotean standing there while panting.

"S-Sotean ?"

Hoshima said confusingly with teary eyes.

Sotean runs towards Hoshima and instantly hugs her.

"So-Sotean ?"

Hoshima said surprisingly with her eyes wide open.

"Thank Goodness..."

Sotean said in relief.


Hoshima respond.

".... that you're here. I look everywhere but finally find you here. Please don't run away like this."

Sotean said in a gentle voice.


Hoshima said in a guilty voice.

Tears start flowing out from her eyes.


Hoshima said while crying.

"It's alright. You know I also have some feelings for you."

Sotean said gently with a smile.


Hoshima responds surprisingly.

"But I can't able to betray Sereka. Because I love her too much. I know you also love me but... Sereka is my first love. And She is the one who brings back light to my life. After my parents died, no one is there for me except Sereka. She is the reason why I am here or else maybe If she's not there with me at that time then I was long gone because of depression. Every day in my life is like hell. I don't know what to do. I don't have any reason to live. But she gave me the reason. To find out the truth about the world. She is everything to me. I also like you but it wasn't love. I'm sorry for breaking your heart. I don't want to but I don't want to lie to you. Sooner or later you will find this. That's why I think it's better to tell you the truth. You know, I think maybe there will be someone better than me who wants you to smile for him. He will the one who wants to make you happy. So, don't wait for me. Just wait for him, he will find you soon. I know."

Sotean explains with a smile then hugs her tightly but gently.

Hoshima still sobbing because of Sotean's story.

Then Sotean said while releasing her.

"Let's be best friends forever."

He said with a smile.

Hoshima looks at Sotean's smile.

She thinks that this is the only thing she can do.

She removes her tears from her eyes and said.

"Hum. Okay."

She smiles then.

Outside the clubroom, Sereka is standing while listening to their conversation.

She removes tears from her eyes then smiles.

"By the way, Hoshima."

Sotean said.


Hoshima respond.

"If there are any problems regarding the destruction of the world, so what will you do ?"

Sotean asked.

"Um...If theirs any, then I will protect the world."

Hoshima said with a smile.

Sotean smiles.

"Oh...So if I said there is a problem then will you help me to protect the world ?"

Sotean asked thoughtfully.

"Um...I will. But I don't think there is any, right?"

Hoshima said then asked.

Sereka standing outside slaps her forehead because of Sotean's nonsense.

She then enters the clubroom.

"S-Sereka ?"

Hoshima said.


Sotean looks back instantly.

"Well, now this idiot already said this. So, that's why let's go there after school."

Sereka sigh then said.


Sotean said excitedly.


Hoshima responds confusingly.

After school, they went to Sotean's home.

"Where are we going ?"

Hoshima asked them.

"To his home."

Sereka said while making an indifferent face.

"Huh !? But Why ?"

Hoshima asked surprisingly.

"When we reached, you will find out."

Sotean said with a smile.

"Huh ?"

Hoshima said confusingly.

Then they all reached his home.

"Let's go to my room."

Sotean said then runs towards his room.

"Huh !? B-But Why ?"

Hoshima said frightenedly.

"Don't panic. Don't think anything weird. You will find out soon. Let's go."

Sereka said then smiles.

"Um... Okay. I trust you, Sereka."

Hoshima said then smiles.

When they all enters the Sotean's room, Sotean take out the Key to Everything from his desk and said to Hoshima.

"Hoshima, we all have to put our one hand onto this key at the same time, Okay ?"

He said earnestly.


Hoshima said nervously.

Then, the three put their hands onto the Key to Everything then they all teleported to the Place of Infinite Possibilities.

"Welcome Back, Time Travellers. Oh! So you bring a new guest with you."

Orthonoxmus said.

"W-Where Am I? A-And Who is this man ?"

Hoshima said frightenedly.

"Don't panic, my dear. This Place is known as The Place of Infinite Possibilities and I'm Orthonoxmus, The guardian of this place."

Orthonoxmus explains.

"I think it's better to have a new member in our team. So we can fight easily."

Sotean said to Orthonoxmus.

Sereka sigh.

"Well... You're right."

Orthonoxmus said to Sotean.

"Now then, let me explain to you why you're here."

Orthonoxmus said to Hoshima.

He then explains the concept of time travel and the time hunters and their virtual timelines and about the Place of Infinite Possibilities to Hoshima.

"So, tell me will you help us to protect the world from those time hunters ?"

Orthonoxmus asked Hoshima.

"Yes. I will never let anything happens to our beautiful world."

Hoshima said confidently.

"That's the spirit. Now, I understand why Sotean chooses you to be the new member."

Orthonoxmus said.

"So, today you all to defeat the time hunter of 'C ranked virtual timeline'. But before that."

Orthonoxmus said then he snaps his fingers.

Then Hoshima's clothes change into a beautiful astral dress.

Her new dress is a long sleeveless red-colored frock with orange lining. The area around her chest is kinda showing and her back is kinda showing too. Her frock is shining. And two red and black colored bracelet also appears in her hands.

"Wow... it's so beautiful."

Hoshima said in amazement.

Sotean and Sereka smile while looking at her.

"Now then let me teach you how to summon your weapon and how to teleport back after defeating the time hunter."

Orthonoxmus said then he put his right hand over Hoshima's head.

After some seconds, He removes his hand from her head.

"Now, try to use your weapon."

Orthonoxmus said.


Hoshima says then she closes her eyes then stands her right hand towards the sky.

Then she makes a fist of her right hand then a spear appears in her hand.

"Well, a spear. Great."

Orthonoxmus said while praising her.

"Alright then."

Sotean said then he closes his eyes then his sword appear in his hand.


Sereka said then she closes her eyes then her Katana appear in her hand.


Hoshima said in amazement.

"Let's defeat that monsters together."

Sotean said with confidence.


Sereka and Hoshima said.

Then Orthonoxmus snaps his fingers and then Sotean, Sereka, and Hoshima teleported to the 'C ranked virtual timeline'.

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