The mysterious land


part 1 : The Beginning of the Story















part One: The Beginning of the Story

The mysterious land is the place where the events of our story takes place ... the continent that emerged from nothingness in the Atlantic Ocean and no one of the scientists knows where it came from exactly, after their inability to know the reason of that sudden emergence of it ..

After very long studies

decided The presidents of the republics, headed by the President of the White Republic ... by allowing anyone who wishes to immigrate to it ... After the establishment of the White Republic a new international organization called by the special organization ISOML working in secret for the welfare of the people there as it claims ...

Although all of the continent’s Citizens know the truth about the malicious and indirect ways the organization uses to full control citizens , and their knowledge of the fact of the exploitation of the weak, the fact that most of the migrants to the mysterious land are from Third World or poor class that is easy to exploit them... even though the organization continued to do its criminal and bad things ....

kidnapped and tortured and conducted experiments on the people of the continent In secret ... without being stopped by anyone.


This is the world of humans (imaginary) in the year 2117 ... or rather the new world whose fate has not yet been determined

Date: 15/02/2117

After the darkness fell in the markets of the mysterious land, exactly in the eastern Area B3 .... People left back to their homes after they spent their needs there ... Among these people a young boy looks around the age of eighteen .... with a so Black hair and a depressed green eyes ... walking in quiet steps ... from the features of his face you can know how interesting he is ... And from his cold looks you can see that difference is clear from anyone at his age .. Suddenly the boy began to slow down and slow down and he was looking at something that had caught his attention until he completely stopped walking along the opposite side of the pier ... There was a gathering of people beside the modern swords maker shop or rather next to Mr. Dono's shop

“ Now we turn to the main news ... the Special Organization has killed about 27 trainees of the criminals hunters forces ... and above this a body of a 10-year-old boy was found in a deplorable condition near the border of C1 city ... rumors say that The assassin used the killing technique which called “ raym “ ... This means that there is a high probability that the culprit is a member of the deadly characters squad,”

It seems that the organization has been involved with the people again ...

"Oh, my God, How this terrible !.... “

“What is going on here? “

“the Criminals !! they think we do not know what is happening in this damned continent ... We know all your secrets , cowards."

That's what residents said in fear after hearing the news Which was broadcast on Mr. Dono TV near his shop.

"The boss of the organization was commenting on the matter that the organization kills all those who oppose the path of peace and security that it has been made by it’s own ... and that the organization has done what it should have done after the trainees killed a member of the organization who was out of work-time "

One of the listeners to news got angry, so he did express his anger over what was being shown at that moment on the news ... saying loudly :

“ Damn ... Damn ! that hypocritical organization ... it kills all those who object to its corrupt system under the pretext of security and peace .... If I come across a member of it in public i swear that I will never mercy him "

This young man looks from his form and his humble weapon, which he carries on his back, that he is one of the new trainees of the forces of the criminals hunters ... the corps which opponents of the organization's system ....

Mr. Dono responded with a feeling of intense dissatisfaction after hearing the young man's words ... so he said angrily :

“ Hey, hey, do not throw random words in the public ... the store’s taxes that imposed by the organization are really enough for me ... And above all this ! according to your form you look like a simple criminal hunter's trainee .... I wonder how you will stand in the face of the deadly characters .... which are afraid to say their names all citizens of the continent ….. and you ! , my dear have not even mastered the killing RAYM technique "

The trainee replied with meaningless words saying :

" And what came into that damned technique on the subject - the technique that only the most professional mafia and killers can activate ... Do you count me as a criminal so that I can free that damn energy? I will judge them in my own way ... I ... I swear by that ... I will avenge what they did and what they will do with the people of the continent "

The owner of the charcoal hair saw what was happening there ... In silence he pressed his fist to express his indignant anger ... and left the place very calm towards his home ..

" Come on gentlemen ! all of you must back to your homes ... the markets of the town have been closed , " Mr. Dono said , to disperse the gathering near his shop.


After a long walk lasted a half an hour ... The owner of black hair back to his home .... then he Directly gone to his dark room and he was feeling very empty .... And his concern about something ... was quite clear from the expressions of his face , then he lay on his bed, putting his arm on Eyes ... and fell in a deep sleep quickly as a little child without caring about anything around him ....

that was for a full hour …

until his phone suddenly rang to wake him in panic !!

* Tone .... Tone *

" Hmm? "

The young man took his phone slowly to see the caller and the effects of drowsiness visible on his face ... The call was by a strange number accompanied by Latin letters and that is not logical of course (77GGA5) It seems a bit strange .... But the reaction of the boy seems He knew the caller well ... He answered the phone in a quiet tone :

" password ? "

" The brown fox jumps over the lazy dog " that was the answer from the other side

And has been the tone of his words calm and polite , but even though anyone who hears it can guess how deceptive it was .... The black hair boy answered saying :

" Just tell what you have ... shifer "

" You are now on an official mission ... Come to the center please to receive it and to register your attendance "

" mission type ? "

“ Catching a prey, the president apologizes to you in advance for the abundance of your request in recent months ... It is true that you have carried out many missions that put your life at risk for its completion … And yet you were able to accomplish easily , But for this time The mission is a little difficult ... the speed of annihilation is what we aspire to and you are the only agent we trust that will carry out the mission in record time ... Ah ! and you do not have to take omicron with you .... she is already in a mission ... so is it deal ? The deadly character Epsilon ! "

The young man closed the line and said with a funny accent:

“ ha-! this is too much ! it was only a few days since i return from my hong kong's mission “

Then he sighs and continues saying, in a calm tone:

“ I've had a lot of missions lately ... I do not have much time to sleep "





Wait ! .... There is inevitably something strange behind the conversation between the two parties ... Does not it seem that the other party has said at the end something suspicious ? ... Did he say a deadly or something like that ? Epsilon deadly character ? Are they the same people who are the citizens terrified of them ? If so, does this mean that the owner of the charcoal hair belongs to that squad of the special organization ?

Koja ... is definitely the name of the main-character of our story

But !

Who exactly this person is ?

What is he’s relation with the organization ?

Is he really as we think ?


Yeah…it’s the truth that we are afraid to tell !

This person is definitely a member of the organization .... not just that .... he Is definitely belongs to the most powerful squad of the special organization !

That squad that contains a human demons

The deadly characters squad !!!

The unstoppable squad that no forces in the continent can beat it ... that unfortunately gave the organization the full power to control the mysterious land's citizens….

Even the criminal hunters' corps that established by the citizens as a reaction to the aggression of the organization and to those who intend to harm the mysterious land’s citizens ... their strength is not worth anything to the strength of these human demons

koja got up from his bed …. then he went quickly to his closet and put on elegant clothes that made him look like a gentleman ... Then he went to another big closet and opened it ... The second closet was full of various kinds of heavy and light weapons …. weapons of the modern style, but he did not choose any of them, he only took his gun , which calls The moon’s soul ( 月の魂 )

... a strong and fast gun and never warms ! they says there is only one copy of it !

Then he took an other important weapon for him ! it was just a mini sword but nevertheless he can not go out on a mission without carrying it on his back , he calls it The dragon’s neck

He uses this weapon in order to repeal the bullets of the opponent and sometimes for the sake of attack ! so that’s why it’s the most important weapon for him after the moon’s soul

After koja prepared himself ... he adjusted his tie and went out to the command center by his black motorcycle.

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