
When Harumi was ten years old, I became a mother forty.

Harumi at that time was full of whole body bruises.

And she looked at me with a scary eye.

The staff told me that the trauma of Harumi had not been healed even after a long time and she had not gotten used to another children and adults.

Harumi refused all the world.

But she couldn’t help looking for a human body and a warm heart.

I didn’t think it was another human resource.

When I noticed Harumi was in my arm?

I felt her warm and alive body, shining like a star in long distance.

“Harumi, from now on, I’m your mother.”

I would be a good match with a Kappo –Japanese Apron- to get warmth of the family.

In the evening of that day, when I stood up to go back home, I noticed her swollen lip.

I thought she chewed her lip to keep silent.

But she cried, still was crying.

Harumi was so stubborn, but I love her.

I keep holding her little hand, and we left for our house.

Little hand in my hand was so warm because of crying too much.

I felt that pleasant.

Two years later, I got a new family member.

Akio just turned ten.

I think that if I or Harumi was a man or a boy, I couldn’t get my second girl, Akio.

Because she had been treated as a boy and adopted sexual abuse by foster fathers.

Even there are a lot of foster parents having troubles with abuse of abuse to foster children, this fact isn’t still known to the world.

The worst fact, there’s no end to that foster fathers conduct sexual abuse to foster girls.

In Japanese law, to prevent abuse, the standard to foster parents is set.

Even so it’s the reality that we haven’t solved the problem.

The men had frowned with a foster parent system and staffs of child rearing facilities.

They also hurt my girl –physically my boy- Akio.

She had been suspected of have gender identity disorder.

So she was teased by them with her mind and body, the staff guessed.

I had no knowledge about the situation of foster parents and gender identity disorder.

But, my anger and anger went up.

It was not only sympathy as a lady –her mind is same as my sex.-

I couldn’t forgive it as a human.

While living with Harumi, I’ve become a mother of roots.

I was worried about her sexual disability, but I’d like to raise her as my girl.

After than my action was fast.

For three months, I went to the facilities during work to see Akio.

Sometimes with my first girl Harumi.

First Akio was more scared than Harumi at that time.

So Akio behind trees and behind looked at me from faraway.

If the staff didn’t tell me about her, I couldn’t recognize her as Akio.

Because she hid anything expect ear and eye.

Actually I didn’t meet her when I heard her situation for the first time.

No, I couldn’t –not didn’t.-

I often let the staffs know Harumi’s growth.

So I guess they trusted me and opened their mouth about Akio.

But it was most dangerous gamble.

Depends on the person, invasion of her privacy or her rescue.

Thanks to the staff’s mind, Akio finally showed herself to me.

Her body was a boy.

She still had scared eyes, but there was a slight change.

I was so glad to know that and I cried in front of her.

I tried to smile to make a mistake in crying.

Akio took me her handkerchief.

No words, no smile, with hands like feeding the lions in the cage.

But her hearts was so warm.

She just made me happy.

The moment when Akio tried to open her mind to me.

That was a support of life as her mother.

I promised to protect my family whatever happened.

More half a year, I got a boy Yoichi two years old.

At that time it was becoming a tough period to raise three children for even parents.

The cause was the collapse of the bubble.

But I managed to raise all of my family by myself.

Because I had saved my bonus during the bubble economy.

Let me see, only my first boy Yoichi-on the family register, he is the second boy- doesn’t know about his real parents.

He became discarded child soon after he was born.

The staff found him, and took him the facility.

Of course he doesn’t have the memory of his real parents.

Innocent smiling smile loosened complicated nerve.

Until then Harumi and Akio didn’t get used to it as sisters.

I finally could see a warm family through two small girls who look after their brother Yoichi.

At same time, I had a pain in my heart.

I imagined their future they’re swayed by a fact-they’re all my adoptions.-

Especially Yoichi might be shocked.

Because I was supposed him to recognize me, Harumi and Yoichi as his real mother and sisters-or sister and brother.-

Someday, Yoichi-after knowing true- and two sisters might be others.

Even so I promised to lead them to happiness as their mother.

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